level +1 - Givenchy - Embellish
level -1 - Jeff Wright - Accelerate
So far I'm happy with this level, Just need to finish the rooms and add the stairs.
I'm having troubles with this level. Every time I try to use follow me it fails.
week 2:
Both stairs that are connected to the ground level are in the shape of a Fibonacci spiral. Both will have a wall/barrier (?) on the outer side (I need help to do that, by the way).
Is there any easier way to make the stairs follow the spiral (I reckon it would be follow me, but again, I'm stuck with that tool).
The fact that I don't know how to make a barrier ("wall"?) for the stairs, it looks quite weird. My inspiration was something like this:

I'm adding a third staircase underneath the office area of Jeff Wright, in spiral form and quite brutalist.
And a fourth to connect Givenchy exposition floor to the outside area.
*not finished*
week 3:
the materials I will be using for each part of the building is:
1- Brittle for Givenchy
2- Reactive for Ground level
3- Tensile for Jeff Wright
Extra materials:
- Natural or Sedimentary for Givenchy Outside Stairs (/bridge)
- Fibrous for J.W. Stairs
Okay we can troubleshoot in studio. My main concern at the moment is that you space is just an extrusion still... We need to take it further than that. If you had posted earlier we could have worked through this earlier and you'd be further along now! C'mon we live in a world of Wifi!! Cafes, librarys, its even at some beaches!!